patent是什么意思,patent的解释 英汉词典 patent pending

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patent是什么意思,patent的解释  英汉词典 patent pending


n. 专利权, 许可证, 执照, 专利品, 素质
a. 专利的, 特许的, 显著的, 新奇的
vt. 取得...的专利权, 请准专利
【化】 专利(的); 专利权; 专利件; 专利品; 专利技术
【医】 开放的, 未闭的; 明显的; 专利的
【经】 专利, 专利权, 专利证
It is patent to all that...


动词过去式:patented 过去分词:patented 现在分词: 第三人称单数:patents 形容词: 名词:patentability 


名词 patent:

  1. a document granting an inventor sole rights to an invention
    同义词:patent of invention
  2. an official document granting a right or privilege
    同义词:letters patent

动词 patent:

  1. obtain a patent for
  2. grant rights to; grant a patent for
  3. make open to sight or notice

形容词 patent:

  1. (of a bodily tube or passageway) open; affording free passage
  2. clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
    同义词:apparent, evident, manifest, plain, unmistakable


  1. In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.
  2. It was patent to everyone that he disliked the idea.
  3. The patent runs out in three years time.
  4. He got a patent for this invention.


n.Abbr. pat.(名词)缩写 pat.

A grant made by a government that confers upon the creator of an invention the sole right to make, use, and sell that invention for a set period of time.专利权:政府授予发明者在一定时期内制造、使用和销售其发明品的唯一的权力Letters patent.专利证An invention protected by such a grant.专利品:申请了专利的发明物;专利品

A grant made by a government that confers on an individual fee-simple title to public lands.土地专有权:政府授予的对公共土地绝对拥有的个人所有权The official document of such a grant.土地专有证:赋予公共土地专有权的正式文件The land so granted.专有土地:以这种方式赐与的土地An exclusive right or title.专利权:排他性的权利adj.(形容词)Abbr. pat.缩写 pat.Protected or conferred by a patent or letters patent:受专利权保护的:例句:a patent right.专利权
Of, relating to, or dealing in patents:专利权的:关于、属于或涉及专利权的:例句:patent law.专利法
also [p3t.nt] Obvious; plain.See Synonyms at apparent 也作 [p3t.nt] 明显的,显著的参见 apparent[p3t.nt] Biology [p3t.nt] 【生物学】 Not blocked; open.无阻碍的:未关闭的;开着的Spreading open; expanded.扩散的,蔓延的:伸展开的;延展的Of, relating to, or being a nonprescription drug or other medical preparation that is often protected by a trademark.非医生处方的:关于、属于或作为一种非医生处方但常受商标保护的药品或其他药剂Of high quality. Used of flour.高品质的:高质量的。用于面粉also [p3t.nt] Archaic Open to general inspection. Used especially of documents.也作 [p3t.nt] 【古语】 公开审查的:公开受检查的。尤用于对文件及物动词)pat.ent.ed,,pat.ents To obtain a patent on or for (an invention, for example).获专利权,(如某一项发明)To invent, originate, or be the proprietor of (an idea, for example).发明,保有:发明、创造或拥有(如思想)To grant a patent to or for.授予专利权
来源:Middle English [document granting a right] 中古英语 [授予某一权利的公文] short for (lettre) patent [open (letter)] (lettre) patent的简写 [公开的(信件)] from Old French (lettre) patente 源自 古法语 (lettre) patente from Latin patôns patent- [open] [present participle of] patôre [to be open] * see pet…- 源自 拉丁语 patôns patent- [公开的] [] patôre的现在分词 [公开] *参见 pet…-

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