boiled是什么意思boiled的音标boiled的用法 英语词典 boiled water

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boiled是什么意思boiled的音标boiled的用法  英语词典 boiled water



boiled 基本解释

形容词喝醉的; 煮沸的,煮熟的

动词(使)沸腾,开( boil的过去式和过去分词 ); 用开水煮,在沸水中煮; 怒火中烧,异常气愤

boiled 网络解释


1. 煮:煎(Fried)、炒(Scrambled)、煮(Boiled)、炖(Poached)可以根据自己的喜好随意搭配. 英国人一般较喜爱的烹饪方式有:烩、烧烤、煎和油炸. 较为人知的英国料理菜名有:牛肉腰子派(steak kidney pie)、炸鱼排(English fish chip)、皇家奶油鸡(chicken ala king)等.

2. (用水)煮的:cuisine 菜色 | boiled (用水)煮的 | roasted 烤的(如肉类)

3. 煮的:24. seasoned加佐料的 | 25. boiled 煮的 | 26. broiled 烧烤

4. 炖:Grilled Lamb Chops 手扒羊排 | Boiled 炖 | Boiled Lamb Soup 炖羊肉

boiled 双语例句

1. When buying a new pot, some people choose to use tea boiled approach to maintenance.


2. You can drink boiled water, not boiling water.


3. boiled是什么意思

3. I will give your baby when weaning malt drink boiled water.


4. It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is


5. I'd like my egg hard-boiled.



6. You're one hard-boiled lady.


7. It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing.


8. P9 Mix up rose, Corn flower or huangjinju flower, enough honey. Boil 400cc of water. Add the mixture into boiled water. Drink when it is ready.

p9 将玫瑰花加矢车菊或黄金菊各2克,蜂蜜适量,将400cc水煮沸后,所有的花材加入水中浸泡出味后饮用。

9. Small quantities of vegetables and noodles are then added and the mixture is boiled to a paste.


10. boiled的意思

10. Point there is a well-known dishes: chicken cooked in soy and vinegar snakes, Long Hudou, Kaoru Zhu, the East River salt baked chicken, five snake soup, boiled Jiwei Xia, goose, oyster sauce beef, Cantonese-style mooncakes, Shahe Fen, such as Ting Zizhou.


11. Please mix with boiled water below 50 deg. c.


12. Day lily sparerib`s soup is boiled with pig`s bones for a long time, and added with other delicious materials like day lily, pork, and pig`s hearts, and so on.


13. Poet of the water, or in person in the fishing stone edge come from the depths of Jiqing and use of live fire (with the charcoal flame Chi-square) boiled.


14. That scandal boiled over at length after it had been simmering for a long time.


15. The scandal boiled over at length after it had been simmering for a long time.



16. The long simmering euthanasia issue has lately boiled over into a sometimes fierce public debate, with both sides claiming the mantle of ultimate righteousness.


17. If Preobrazhenskaya's approach were boiled down to one word, that word would be tekhnika — technique.


18. boiled的反义词

18. Boiled water mixed with a dried skim milk/oil/ sugar mixture and appropriate mineral and vitamin additives can be used to initiate treatment.


19. If the baby wake up 6:00 every day, can be fed egg share, 9:00 breastfeeding, 10:00 Hey some fruit, porridge or noodles 12:00 Hey, with a small amount of vegetables and meat, bean food, in the absence of calcium, bones can be used to the baby soup to eat the following article by: with fresh boiled bones plus open to offscum write clean, modest Add vinegar, and promote the dissolution of calcium, small火煮2 hours, 放冰箱refrigerated cooling box 2 hours, which the oil will float on the surface of condensation to skim the oil, and then冻成Xiaobing pieces, cooking time can come up with a few feeding.15:00, 18:00 feeding porridge, 临睡前re-feeding.



20. We'll try this one, with the Salt-Baked Chicken, the Soft-Boiled Chicken and the Steamed Mandarin Fish to follow.


boiled 单语例句

1. The only food in the canteen was a huge pot of water boiled with a few grains of rice.

2. A Founder's Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 reduces the spiciness but enhances the flavor of boiled grass carp in spicy soup.

3. The restaurant is known for its signature dish, a catfish from Sichuan province's Jinsha River boiled in an herb broth.

4. The restaurant is famous for its fish dishes, such as boiled fish and catfish.

5. The smell of red chilli is strong at Hong Jing Yu, a Sichuan style Chinese restaurant famous for its boiled fish in spicy soup.

6. Then he chopped the body into pieces with a saw and cleaver and boiled the head and hands.

7. One of the major events of Easter is the fun of coloring boiled eggs.

8. Green beans are boiled into congee in summer to dispel extra heat in the body.

9. So why not go to a Chinese congee restaurant, order a bowl and try a bit of boiled happiness?

10. There are a la carte choices for individuals or small groups, but there are no small portions of boiled goat.

boiled 英英释义



1. cooked in hot water

Synonym: poachedstewed

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