
日期: 栏目:常识 浏览:3



一:blame什么意思中文 新闻

blame的意思是:指责、责怪等等。put the blame on归咎。be to blame对{过错, 罪行)负责。be to blame for应受谴责;应负责任。blame on归咎于。blame *** for sth因某事责备某人。blame sth on归咎于。blame *** . for sth.因某事责备某人。blame sth. on归咎于。take the blame是…的原因, 承受罪责。only have yourself to blame只能怪你自己, 是你自己的错。blame someone for something因某事责备某人。blame something on归咎于。don't blame me(劝阻别人时说)别怪我。blame game指责游戏;抹黑的行为。have only oneself to blame负全部责任。I can't blame you我不会责怪你,我表示理解。I don't blame you我不会责怪你,我表示理解。I don't blame her我不会责怪她,我表示理解。I can't blame her我不会责怪她,我表示理解。to blame责怪;责备;指责。双语例句:1、I can no longer stand idly by and let him take the blame.我再也不能无动于衷地站在一旁,让他受责备了。2、They did not apportion blame or liability to any one individual.他们没有将责备或法律责任推向任何个人。3、He was absolved from any blame for the oil spill.他被免予承担溢油事故的任何责任。4、An instant desire to blame others when things go wrong.出错时责备他人的急切愿望。5、she was to blame for anything that befell.不管发生什么事,她都应该承担责任。6、All accounts place the blame squarely on his shoulders.所有的陈述都将责任明确地推到他肩上。7、He was becoming impatient and I couldn't blame him.他开始不耐烦,我不怪他。8、They are trying to put the blame on us.他们企图把罪责推到我们身上。9、It is futile to allocate blame for this.为这事分担责任是毫无意义的。10、They placed the blame squarely on the president.他们毫不含糊地归咎于总统。




英 [ bleɪm ]

美 [ bleɪm ]








第三人称单数blames  现在分词blaming  过去式blamed  过去分词blamed  


1. 'I blame the judges,' quoth he.


2. Quite frankly , I don't blame you.


3. No blame attaches to you.





一、单词拼写 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分。

1. What he said was ___________(令人惊讶的) and everybody present was astonished by his words.

2. I have an important meeting to ___________(参加/出席) tomorrow morning, so I have got to go to bed early.

3. As a senior 3 student, he is well ___________(知道的) that his major task is to study hard so that he can repay his parents in the future.

4. A large number of visitors are attracted by the ___________ (美丽的) natural scenery.

5. To tell you the truth, I can stand his ignorance, but I can’t ___________(忍受) his rudeness.

6. Every day in the streets stand many beggars in rags ___________ (乞求) passengers for money.

7. Now that you’re no longer a child, pay attention to your ___________ (行为/举止) in public.

8. She holds the strong ___________ (信念) that she will accomplish her ideal pretty soon.

9. He finds it ___________(有益的) to spend half an hour reading English newspapers every day.

10. My mother has an eye for bargains and she is good at ___________ (砍价) with sellers over the price.

11. There is no need to ___________ (争辩) with him again because argument is of no use.

12. Busy as she is, she manages to make reasonable ___________ (安排) for her daily routines.

13. He added some sugar to the black coffee so that it didn’t taste so ___________(苦的).

14. Tom’s teacher ___________ (责备) him for being late this morning, but in fact he didn’t do that on purpose.

15. I am terribly sorry to ___________ (打扰) you, but I do have something important to tell you.

16. The passer-by was ___________ (流血) badly and it was not long before he was sent to the nearest hospital for treatment.

17. Don’t get too close to the dog. It may ___________ (攻击) you.

18. The cute toys on the desk drew the ___________(注意) of the little girl and she was dying to get them.

19. The boy lost his ___________(平衡) and fell off the bike all of a sudden. As a result, he was black and blue all over.

20. I ___________(弯腰) down to pick up my pen on the floor, only to find it broken into pieces.

21. The secretary attended the conference on the ___________(代表) of the manager. In other words, the secretary attended the conference in place of the manager.

22. Before handing in your homework, you’d better check it to ___________ (避免) making silly mistakes.

23. I wonder whether the baby is ___________(醒着的) or asleep in the bedroom at the moment.

24. He ___________ (尝试) to open the door with the key, but in vain.

25. Thank you for your timely ___________ (协助) from the bottom of my heart. You’re really a helpful assistant.

二、词义猜测 请根据句意指出下列句子中划线单词的词性与汉语意思。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分。

1. Nobody knows for sure whether the news is authenticor untrue. (词性: ______意思: _________)

2. The job of an architect is designing buildings or is responsible for planning or creating an idea, an event or a situation. (词性: ______意思: _________)

3. There are approximately 3000 students in my school, but I’m not sure about the exact number. (词性: ______意思: _________)

4. Her schedule was arbitrary. She didn’t plan it carefully or thoughtfully. (词性: ______意思: _________)

5. To our comfort, the murderer who had been at large for twenty years was finally arrested by the police. (词性: ______意思: _________)

6. A job interview is a very artificial situation. (词性: ______意思: _________)

7. She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses. (词性: ______意思: _________)

8. This is an automatic door. It closes by itself. (词性: ______意思: _________)

9. I didn’t have a good command of French. Therefore, when I first arrived at France, I found it tough for me to fit in because French was my language barrier. (词性: ______意思: _________)

10. At first, Jim was tense and nervous so that his heart was beating violently but he calmed himself down soon. (词性: ______意思: _________)

11. True friends should never betray each other. Instead, they are supposed to be faithful to one another all the time. (词性: ______意思: _________)

12. Faced with the teacher sitting in front of me, suddenly my mind went blank and I couldn’t remember anything. (词性: ______意思: _________)

13. The road was blocked by fallen trees and the traffic came to a complete stop. (词性: ______意思: _________)

14. All the passengers were on board and the flight was about to take off. (词性: ______意思: _________)

15. The city was bombed by terrorists and it lay in ruins eventually. (词性: ______意思: _________)

16. With the improvement of living standards of the people, there is a boom in car sales. (词性: ______意思: _________)

17. Due to cultural difference, we are different from each other in many aspects, such as dressing, ways of thinking and eating habits, etc. (词性: ______意思: _________)

18. He always associates this song with his hometown which is far away. Whenever he listens to it, he’ll recall his hometown. (词性: ______意思: _________)

19. Actually, going abroad has no appeal to me. Even if I were given a chance, I wouldn’t choose to live overseas. (词性: ______意思: _________)

20. He was appointed as captain of the English team, but he refused to accept the offer. (词性: ______意思: _________)

21. After struggling for years, my brother finally attaineda Master’s degree last month. (词性: ______意思: _________)

22. Mark is very interested in universe and he aims to take up astronomy, the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. (词性: ______意思: _________)

23. She is bent on being an outstanding biologist and nothing can stop her achieving her dream. (词性: ______意思: _________)

24. On hearing the thrilling news, the kids bounced up and down excitedly. (词性: ______意思: _________)

25. Bonus is an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to one’s wages as a reward. (词性: ______意思: _________)

三、单句填空 请在下列句子中填入一个适当的词或用所给词的正确形式填空。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分。

1. She is so _________ (attract) that a large number of young men are crazy about her.

2. I paid a visit to many tourist _________ (attract) in Bejing this summer holiday, which greatly enriches my knowledge.

3. To avoid _________ (scold) by his mother, the boy didn’t tell her the truth.

4. We should raise the _________ (aware) of protecting the environment so that we can make our earth a better place to live.

5. If you don’t have a _________ (balance) diet, you’re likely to fall ill owing to a lack of nutrition.

6. Every day the street is lined with beggars, begging passers-by _________ money and food.

7. You ought to behave _________ in public, or you may annoy the people around you.

8. At first, I fell far behind, but I ran faster and it was not long _________ I caught up with them.

9. He is the _________ (bad) student I’ve ever met because not only does he do terribly in his studies but he behaves _________ (bad).

10. Everybody was _____________ (astonish) by the _________ (astonish) news .

11. The fact that he often falls ill is associated _________his taking drugs.

12. I’m terribly sorry, but the manager is at an important meeting. He is _________ (avail).

13. To our great _________ (astonish), he left the party without telling anyone.

14. The film which we saw the other day is based _________ a true story.

15. Different people have different attitudes _________banning *** oking in public.

16. Tired _________ I am, never shall I sleep in class.

17. The lecture will be held between 9 a.m. _________ 11 a.m. on Saturday.

18. On his _________ (arrive), we all gave him a warm welcome and presented him with flowers.

19. When he has trouble learning English, she will assist him _________ it.

20. Having a balanced diet and doing sports regularly are beneficial _________ our health.

21. Now that you’ve been aware _________ your mistakes, let’s forgive and forget.

22. The poor old man _________ (bite) by a poisonnous snake just now and was treated in no time.

23. She is totally _______ (bore) with the _______ (bore) job and is considering changing it.

24. The experiments of the researchers are on the _________ (base) of a series of facts.

25. The teacher blamed him severely _________ being late for school.

四、词组句型 请根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分。

1. He always __________________ (留意/专注于) his teachers in class and takes notes carefully.

2. When I got home, I found that my wife and son ____________________ (睡着了).

3. The road was so wet and slippery that the old man __________________ (失去平衡) and fell over.

4. Jack ____________________ (在洗澡) when I knocked at the door.

5. My mother is good at __________________ (与……讨价还价) the sellers over the prices.

6. I’ll attend a conference _________________ (代表) the manager of our company this weekend.

7. You should _______________ (信任) Mike, who is capable of solving all sorts of problems.

8. The happiness of marriage should be _________________(以……为基础) respect, confidence and understanding.

9. We _________________ (尝试) to solve the tough problem in different ways, but in vain.

10. The little boy is so ______________ (依恋) his mother that he’ll burst into tears when she is out of sight.

11. He is so ______________ (为……感到惭愧) himself for not being able to do me a favor and help me out at that time.

12. The food has ______________ (已变质). You’d better not eat it, or you’re likely to fall ill.

13. You won’t make great progress in your study unless you change your ______________ (对……的态度) it.

14. He was ______________ (被逮捕) for murdering as well as taking drugs.

15. The magazine you are reading actually ______________ (属于) me.

16. Julia was about to ______________ (付款) when it suddenly occurred to her that she had left her purse at home.

17. My deskmate ______________ (受益于) the good habit of keeping an English diary since he was a primary pupil.

18. In the past, Sam ______________ (落后于) his fellow students in his study due to laziness, but now he has made up his mind to catch up with them.

19. ______________ (牢记) whatever we do, safety must be placed in the first place.

20. So annoyed was Bruce that he ______________ (保持清醒) the whole night.

21. They ______________ (到达) the airport in a hurry only to find that the flight had taken off.

22. So attractive was the novel that I read it ______________ (从头到尾).

23. Please fill in the blanks and sign your name ______________ (在底部) the form.

24. ______________ (出生于) a poor family, Charles Dickens received very little schooling.

25. The candles ______________ (被吹灭) by the strong wind and the whole house was in darkness.


五、单词串记 请根据语篇和括号中的汉语提示在空格处填入一个适当的单词并体会该单词的用法,然后将短文熟读背诵。

I used to be a lazy student who often fell asleep in class. Worse still, I associated with bad friends. As a result, I was 1 (落后的) in my studies. It was not until the beginning of the new term that I 2 (开始) to behave well because my English teacher, Miss Yang, a beautiful and attractive lady, kept encouraging me not to give up studying. Under her influence, I was aware of my mistakes and decided to change my 3 (态度) entirely. Every day I 4 (上学) school on time and pay attention to my teachers in class. To 5 (避免) making the same mistakes, I usually attach a note to my desk as a reminder. Knowing that my studies are 6 (糟糕的), I want to improve it badly by making an effort. First, I 7 (醒来) early in the morning to do some reading aloud and attempt to learn the basic knowledge by heart. Also, my teachers are ready to assist me with my studies. With their help, it is not long before I make progress and catch up with my clas *** ates. Not long ago, I participated in an Spoken English Contest on 8 (代表) of my class and I held the firm belief that I would 9 (打败) the other compe *** s. What astonished everybody was that I attained the championship and was 10 (授予) a gold medal. Now, not only do I go all out to study but I often exercise because only in this way can I keep the balance between study and relaxation.

2020年高考英语考纲词汇通关第二周测试卷(Day 6--Day 10)



1. astonishing 2. attend 3. aware 4. beautiful 5. bear 6. begging 7. behavior 8. belief 9. beneficial 10. bargaining 11. argue 12. arrangements 13. bitter 14. blamed 15. disturb 16. bleeding 17. attack 18. attention 19. balance 20. bent 21. behalf 22. avoid 23. awake 24. attempted 25. assistance


1. adj. 真的 2. n. 建筑师 3. adv. 大约;大概 4. adj. 随意的 5. vt. 逮捕 6. adj. 不自然的 7. n. 权力 8. adj. 自动的 9. n. 障碍 10. vi. 跳动 11. vt. 出卖;背叛 12. adj. 空白的 13. vt. 阻碍;堵塞 14. n. 飞机上/船上 15. vt. 轰炸 16. n. 繁荣;激增 17. n. 方面 18. vt. 联想;联系 19. n.吸引力 20. vt. 任命;委任 21. vt. 获得 22. n. 天文学 23. adj. 决心的 24. vi. 蹦跳 25. n. 分红;奖金;津贴


1. attractive 2. attractions 3. being scolded 4. awareness 5. balanced 6. for 7. yourself 8. before 9. worst; badly 10. astonished ; astonishing 11. with 12. unavailable 13. astonishment 14. on 15. towards 16. as 17. and 18. arrival 19. with 20. to 21. of 22. was bitten 23. bored; boring 24. basis 25. for


1. pays attention to 2. had fallen asleep 3. lost his balance 4. was bathing / was taking a bath 5. bargaining with 6. on behalf of 7. believe in 8. based on/ on the basis of 9. attempted / tried 10. attached to 11. ashamed of 12. has gone bad 13. attitude to / towards 14. arrested / under arrest 15. belongs to 16. pay the bill 17. has benefited from 18. fell behind 19. Bear in mind 20. stayed awake 21. arrived at 22. from beginning to end 23. at the bottom of 24. Born into 25. were blown out



1. backward 2. began 3. attitude 4. attend 5. avoid 6. awful 7. awake 8. behalf 9. beat 10. awarded

