pick是什么意思,pick的解释 英汉词典

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pick是什么意思,pick的解释  英汉词典


n. 精选, 选择, 掘, 精华, 牙签, 鹤嘴锄
vt. 摘, 掘, 凿, 挖, 挑选
vi. 摘, 掘, 凿, 挖, 挑选
vt. 拾取
vi. 拾取
【计】 拾取
【医】 签, 牙签, 挑, 剔
【经】 选择
pick out
pick a quarrel with sb
pick and choose
pick and steal
pick holes in
pick at sth
pick off
pick on sb
pick upon
pick over
pick up
pick up one's courage
pick up on
pick sb up
the pick of


名词: 动词过去式: 过去分词: 现在分词: 第三人称单数:picks 


choose, select, elect, pick, prefer, opt
choose: 普通用词,侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选择,着重被选者的优点。
select: 书面用词,具有庄严、正式的感 * 彩。强调精选。
elect: 指按照一定的规章或法律,用投票等方式进行的认真慎重的选择。
pick: 口语用词,多指从个人角度仔细挑选,也含任意挑选之意。
prefer: 强调个人偏爱,不一定有选择的行动。
opt: 多指在几种可能性之间进行选择。


名词 pick:

  1. the person or thing chosen or selected
    同义词:choice, selection
  2. the quantity of a crop that is harvested
  3. the best people or things in a group
  4. the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
    同义词:woof, weft, filling
  5. a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument
    同义词:plectrum, plectron
  6. a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material
  7. a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends
    同义词:pickax, pickaxe
  8. a basketball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one's body
  9. the act of choosing or selecting
    同义词:choice, selection, option

动词 pick:

  1. select carefully from a group
  2. look for and gather
    同义词:pluck, cull
  3. harass with constant criticism
    同义词:blame, find fault
  4. provoke
  5. remove in small bits
  6. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
  7. pilfer or rob
  8. pay for something
  9. pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion
    同义词:pluck, plunk
  10. attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example
    同义词:break up
  11. hit lightly with a picking motion
    同义词:peck, beak
  12. eat intermittently; take small bites of
    同义词:nibble, piece


  1. The child has picked a hole in his new jumper.
  2. It was easy to pick holes in his argument.
  3. He picked her a rose.
  4. He picked the watch up from the carpet.
  5. Which one of the books is your pick?


v.(动词)picked,pick.ing,picks v.tr.(及物动词)

To select from a group:挑选:从一组中挑选:例句:The best swimmer was picked.See Synonyms at choose 最佳游泳选手被选出来了参见 choose
To select or cull.选择,挑拣

To gather in; harvest:在…中聚集;收获:例句:They were picking cotton.他们在采棉花
To gather the harvest from:从…中收获庄稼:例句:We picked the whole field in one day.我们在一天之内把这一整块地收割完了

To remove the outer covering of; pluck:拔去,扯去:去除…的外部覆盖物;拔:例句:pick a chicken clean of feathers.拔除鸡毛
To tear off bit by bit:撕下:一点一点地撕除:例句:pick meat from the bones.把肉从骨头上撕下
To remove extraneous matter from (the teeth).剔除:从(牙上)剔除外来物质To poke and pull at (something) with the fingers.戳:用手指捅并拉出某物To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.撬:用锋利尖锐的工具分裂、分离或分开To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument.刺洞:用锋利尖锐的工具刺入或打(洞)To take up (food) with the beak; peck:啄食:用喙啄起(食物);啄:例句:The parrot picked its seed.鹦鹉啄食饲料
To steal the contents of:扒窃:偷去…内的东西:例句:My pocket was picked.我的口袋被扒了
To open (a lock) without the use of a key.撬开锁:不用钥匙而打开(锁)To provoke:挑衅:例句:pick a fight.挑起战争
Music 【音乐】 To pluck (the strings) of an instrument:拨弄:弹拔乐器的(琴弦):例句:picked the guitar while sitting alone on the deck.独自坐在甲板上弹吉他
To play (a tune) by plucking strings:拨弦演奏:通过拨弦弹奏(一曲):例句:picked a melody out on the guitar.用吉他弹奏一曲
v.intr.(不及物动词)To decide with care or forethought.慎选:谨慎或考虑周到后决定To work with a pick.凿,挖:用镐挖To find fault or make petty criticisms; carp:挑毛病,寻衅,吹毛求疵:发现错误或制造微不足道的批评;吹毛求疵:例句:He`s always picking about something.他总是对一些事吹毛求疵
To be harvested or gathered:采收:被采摘或收集:例句:The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的苹果易于采摘
n.(名词)The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.采摘:采摘的行为,尤指用锋利尖锐的工具The act of selecting or choosing; choice:挑选:选择或挑选的行为;选择:例句:got first pick of the desserts.第一个挑选甜点
Something selected as the most desirable; the best or choicest part:最佳部分:挑选出的最好的东西;最好的或最上品的部分:例句:the pick of the crop.收成中的上品
The amount or quantity of a crop that is picked by hand.收获量,采摘量:用手采摘的庄稼的总数或数量
pick apart
To refute or find flaws in by close examination:挑剔,找毛病:反驳或通过仔细的检查找出错误:例句:The lawyer picked the testimony apart.律师挑证词的毛病
pick at
To pluck or pull at, especially with the fingers.弹,拉:刺穿或拉出,尤指用手指To eat sparingly or without appetite:食不下咽:吃得很少或没胃口:例句:The child just picked at her food.这孩子只吃她了一点食物
Informal To nag:【非正式用语】 唠叨:例句:Don`t pick at me day and night.别整天对我唠叨挑三拣四
pick off
To shoot after singling out:逐一射击:经过逐个瞄准后发射:例句:The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.猎人把鸭子一个个击中
Baseball To catch (a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.【棒球】 封杀出局:把不在垒上的(跑垒员)抓住,然后快速扔出球抛到一个特定的垒上,通常指投手或接手的突然传杀Sports To intercept, as a football pass.【体育运动】 中途截球:拦截,如拦截足球传球等pick on
To tease or bully.嘲笑,欺侮pick out
To choose or select:挑选,选出:例句:picked out the best piece of silk.挑出最好的一匹丝绸
To discern from the surroundings; distinguish:分辨:从环境中辩认出;分辨出:例句:picked out their cousins from the crowd.从人群中认出他们的堂兄弟
pick over
To sort out or examine item by item:一件一件地整理或检查:例句:a shopper who picked over the grapes before purchasing them.一个买葡萄时精挑细选的顾客
pick up
To take up (something) by hand:拿起:用手拿起(某物):例句:pick up a book.捡起一本书
To collect or gather:收集或聚集:例句:picked up the broken pieces of glass.拾起玻璃碎片
To tidy up:整理,收拾:例句:Let`s pick up the living room.我们收拾一下卧室吧
To take on (passengers or freight, for example):承载(客人,货物等):例句:The bus picks up commuters at three stops.公共汽车在三个站载送通勤者
Informal 【非正式用语】 To acquire casually or by accident:不经意得到:随便或偶然地获得:例句:picked up a mink coat on sale.拍卖时随手买了一件貂皮大衣
To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience:学得:通过学习或经历获得(知识):例句:picked up French very quickly.很快地学起法语来
To claim:认领,索取:例句:picked up her shoes at the repair shop.在修鞋铺领回鞋子
To buy:购买:例句:picked up some beverages on the way home.在回家的路上买些饮料
To accept (a bill or charge) in order to pay it:付帐:为买某物而付(款或账):例句:Let me pick up the tab.我来付计程车的钱
To come down with (a disease):染上(病):例句:picked up a virus in the office.在办公室染上病毒
To gain:获得,赢得:例句:picked up five yards on that play.在那次游戏中获得五码
Informal To take into custody:【非正式用语】 监护,逮捕,拘捕:例句:The coast guard picked up five smugglers.海岸检查官拘捕了五个走私犯
Slang To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.【俚语】 勾搭:与…偶然结识,常指期望在性关系中结识To come upon and follow:追踪:偶然遇上并跟随:例句:The dog picked up the scent.狗追着气味走
To come upon and observe:发现:偶然遇到并观测:例句:We picked up two submarines on sonar.我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇
To continue after a break:恢复:休息后继续:例句:Let`s pick up the discussion after lunch.我们吃过午饭再继续讨论吧
Informal To improve in condition or activity:【非正式用语】 有起色,改善:在条件或活动上提高:例句:Sales picked up last fall.去年的销售有起色
Slang To pack one`s belongings:【俚语】 收拾行李:收拾某人的东西:例句:She just picked up and left.她收拾了一下行李就走了
常用词组>pick and choose
To select with great care.很细心地挑选pick holes in
To seek and discover flaws or a flaw in:挑剔:在…寻找或发现一个或几个错误:例句:picked holes in the argument.在讨论中找错
pick (one`s) way
To find passage and make careful progress through it:寻找出路:找出路并通过此路谨慎前进:例句:picked her way down the steep bank.沿着陡峭河岸慢慢前行
pick (someone) to pieces
To criticize sharply.责骂:严厉批评pick up on【非正式用语】
To take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:迅速理解:了解到或理解,尤指很快地理解:例句:picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中
To notice:注意到:例句:learned to pick up on his superior`s moods and act accordingly.学会注意上级的情绪并见机行事
习惯用语>来源:Middle English piken [to prick] 中古英语 piken [刺,扎] from Old English *pocian [to prick] 源自 古英语 *pocian [刺,扎] and from Old French piquer [to pierce] from Vulgar Latin *picc3re * see pique 并源自 古法语 piquer [刺穿] 源自 俗拉丁语 *picc3re *参见 pique
pick 2
n.(名词)A tool for breaking hard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle.镐,鹤嘴锄:破坏坚硬表面的工具,由两端有弯曲锋利的尖和用来固定尖的长把组成

Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.尖头挖掘工具:用来挖掘的工具,如碎冰器、牙签或撬锁工具A long-toothed comb, usually designed for use on curly hair.簪子:一种长齿梳子,常用于卷发Sports A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.【体育运动】 冰刀尖:花样溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突出部分Music A plectrum.【音乐】 拨子,拨弦
来源:Middle English pik 中古英语 pik variant of pike [sharp point] * see pike 5 pike的变体 [锋利的尖物] *参见 pike5

pick 3
n.(名词)A weft thread in weaving.纬纱:纺织中用的纬纱线A passage or throw of the shuttle in a loom.投梭:织机上梭子的来回穿梭或一投v.tr.(及物动词)picked,pick.ing,picks To throw (a shuttle) across a loom.把(梭子)投过织机Archaic To cast; pitch.【古语】 投掷;抛扔
来源:Dialectal 方言 from pick [to pitch, thrust] 源自 pick [掷,抛,扔] variant of pitch 2 pitch2的变体

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