late是什么意思,late的解释 英汉词典 late翻译中文

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late是什么意思,late的解释  英汉词典 late翻译中文


a. 迟的, 晚的, 已故的
ad. 很晚, 很迟, 晚
【经】 最近的; 最近
in the late sixties
late in autumn
late in the season
early and late
early or late
keep late hours
of late
of late years
sit up late
work late into the night
to stay up late


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形容词 late:

  1. being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time
  2. after the expected or usual time; delayed
    同义词:belated, tardy
  3. of the immediate past or just previous to the present time
  4. having died recently
  5. of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages
  6. at or toward an end or late period or stage of development
  7. (used especially of persons) of the immediate past
    同义词:former, previous

副词 late:

  1. later than usual or than expected
    同义词:belatedly, tardily
  2. to an advanced time
  3. at an advanced age or stage
  4. in the recent past
    同义词:recently, lately, of late, latterly


  1. Because of the cold weather the crops are late this year.
  2. Passengers should check in one hour before their flight time at the latest.
  3. The train was 10 minutes late.
    火车晚点了10 分钟。
  4. We went to bed late.
    我们很晚才 * 。


adj.(形容词),lat.est 缩写 l.Coming, occurring, or remaining after the correct, usual, or expected time; delayed:迟的,晚的:比正确的、通常的或预期的时间来得、发生的或持续得要晚;迟的:例句:The bus is late.See Synonyms at tardy 公共汽车晚点了参见 tardy

Beginning after or continuing past the usual or expected hour:晚开始的,持续很晚的:比通常的或预期的时间开始得晚或持续时间超过了通常的或预期的时间:例句:a late breakfast; a late meeting.推迟的早餐;推迟了的会议
Occurring at an advanced hour, especially well into the evening or night:深夜的:很晚发生的,尤指持续至夜晚或深夜的:例句:a late movie on television; the late flight to Denver.电视里在深夜播放的影片;深夜飞往丹佛的航班
Of or toward the end or more advanced part, as of a period or stage:后期的:属于或邻近结尾或稍前部分的,例如一段时期或一个阶段的:例句:the late 9th century; a later symptom of the disease.9世纪晚期;这种疾病的晚期症状

Having begun or occurred just previous to the present time; recent:晚近的,新近的:刚刚开始或发生的;最近的:例句:a late development.最新发展
Contemporary; up-to-date:当代的;最新的:例句:the latest fashion.最新时尚

Having recently occupied a position or place:刚离任的:不久前任职或在位的:例句:the company`s late president gave the address.公司的离任总裁留下了地址
Dead, especially if only recently deceased:已故的:故去的,尤指新近亡故的:例句:in memory of the late explorer.纪念已故的开发者
adv.(副词)later,latest After the expected, usual, or proper time:迟:比预期的,通常的或适合的时间晚:例句:a train that arrived late; woke late and had to skip breakfast.火车晚点;起床迟了,不得不不吃早点

At or until an advanced hour:晚,到深夜:例句:talked late into the evening.聊到很晚
At or into an advanced period or stage:后期地:在后面的时期或阶段内:例句:a project undertaken late in her career.她事业后期完成的项目
Recently:最近地:例句:As late as last week he was still in town.就在上周他还在城里

of late
Recently; lately:近来;最近:例句:was feeling better of late.最近感觉好多了
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English lôt * see lô- 源自 古英语 lôt *参见 lô-
n.(名词)It is technically correct to use a phrase such asour late treasurer to refer to a person who is still alive but who no longer holds the relevant post, but the use offormer in this context will ensure that no embarrassing misunderstanding is created. 使用象我们的前任会计 这样的词组来指仍然健在不过不掌管相关的职位的人,在字义上是正确的, 但是在这样的情况下,former 一词能够避免尴尬的误解发生

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