听音乐用英语怎么说 听音乐用英语怎么说写

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听音乐用英语怎么说 听音乐用英语怎么说写

听音乐用 英语 怎么说生活中时常听到某些高级的音乐演奏家到某某歌剧院或者音乐大厅演奏音乐曲目,听人家说场面恢宏、音乐震撼 。可能也有些人真的去买了票进了音乐厅,却是稀里糊涂几个小时听不出音乐在云里雾里 。接下来小编告诉你听音乐用英语怎么说 。
listen to the music

I went to the concert on specI hadn't booked a seat.
Music can flood me with delight.
听音乐能让我快乐 。
listen to music with appreciation
I enjoy listening to the music very much
我很喜欢听音乐 。
Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.
听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松 。
Listening to music is my favorite pastime.
听音乐是我最喜爱的娱乐 。
She likes to listen to music in her spare time.
她喜欢在余暇时间听音乐 。
Stop fidget,children;just sit still and listen to the music.
不要坐立不安,孩子们;坐正了听音乐 。
He listened to the music with ecstasy.
他听音乐听得入了神 。
Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.
听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用 。
v. 听;倾听;听从;听信
n. 听;倾听
Listen to the introduction!

You must listen to me good!
She listened for his step.
她在注意听有没有他的脚步声 。
Please have a listen to this.
请听听这个吧 。
Listen to the roll of the drum.
听听擂鼓声 。
[Music plays] Did Pavarotti finishing Nessun Dorma give you chills? If so, you can thank the molecule dopamine for those shudders of delight. Because a new study shows that musical thrills stem from the same brain chemistry responsible for the joys of food, sex and other more tangible rewards. The work appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
(音乐响起)聆听帕瓦罗蒂演绎的咏叹调《今夜无人入睡》会不会令你激动得起鸡皮疙瘩?若真如此,你应该感谢那些让你因欢喜而颤栗的多巴胺分子 。因为,《自然神经科学》上刊登的一项新研究表明,音乐引起的激动跟食物、性及其它实物回报所引起的快乐一样来源于大脑里的同一种化学反应 。
Many of the activities that give us pleasure are things that we, as a species, need to survive, like the aforementioned eating and mating. But what about more esoteric enjoyment, from evocative music or other works of art? Do they tickle the brain the same way?
物种需要生存下去所做的事情,例如前面提到的饮食和交配 。而对于更深层次的享受,从动人的音乐到其它领域的艺术欣赏,它们令大脑产生愉悦感觉的方式也是如此吗?
To find out, scientists recruited subjects who reliably gets shivers when they listen to an affecting score. These chills are a more consistent, in-the-moment measure of pleasure than asking subjects to describe what they’re feeling.
为找到答案,科学家们征募了一些志愿者,他们一听到感人的乐章就会颤栗 。同让志愿者描述其感受相比,这些颤抖所反映出的快乐更为持续一致、即时即刻 。
The scientists then used brain imaging techniques to find that dopamine peaks along with emotional arousal. Such induced dopamine release could explain why people put a high value on some music. And why music can manipulate our emotions.

