greetings儿歌greetings歌曲儿歌 greetings儿歌翻译中文

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greetings儿歌greetings歌曲儿歌 greetings儿歌翻译中文


Chinese New Year(中国新年), also known as the Spring Festival(春节), or the Lunar New Year(阴历新年).2018 is the Year of the Dog(狗年) according to Chinese zodiac(12生肖).

春节问候| Popular Greetings

Wish your family a happy new year! 祝您全家新春快乐!

Happy new year! 新年快乐/过年好!

May all your wishes be fulfilled! 万事如意!

Big luck and big profits.大吉大利

Happiness and prosperity! 恭喜发财!

Everlasting peace year after year!岁岁平安!

春节习俗| Holiday Customs:

腊月二十三:Worshiping the Kitchen God 祭拜灶王爷

腊月二十四:Clean up the house thoroughly 扫房子;

腊月二十六:Shopping for festival items 办年货;


Pasting Spring Festival couplets贴春联

Having family reunion dinner吃年夜饭;

Watching TV gala看春晚;

Setting off fireworks放鞭炮;

Giving money in red envelopes发红包;

Eat dumplings吃饺子;

Staying up late守岁;

大年初一:Visiting relatives 串亲戚

大年初二:Worshiping the God of Wealth 祭拜财神;

大年初五:Welcoming the God of Wealth 迎接财神;

正月十五:Lantern Festival 元宵节;

Visiting Lantern fair逛庙会

Guessing lantern riddles猜灯谜;

Eating Rice Dumpling吃元宵;

新年儿歌 | Nursery rhymes:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!


Happy New Year to you all!


We are singing; we are dancing.


Happy New Year to you all!





1.hello,boys and girls i'm 11,you can call me 11.

now,youcan greet me ,say "hello 11" ,反复和学生联系几次,每个学生和你hello 一遍。

2. now ,look at me ,表演猴子,学生有反应说猴子,yes ,you are clever ,look at this card ,this is a monkey ,yes ,let us say hello to monkey ,ok ? 老师先来 ,hello ,monkey!练习几遍之后,it;s name is monchy ,let us say hello to monchy ,ok?练习几遍。

3.穿插游戏;传卡片,穿的同时要说hello monkey hello monchy ,看哪一组传得快



The origin of the Chinese New Year is itself centuries old - in fact, too old to actually be traced. It is popularly recognised as the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days.

Preparations tend to begin a month from the date of the Chinese New Year (similar to a Western Christmas), when people start buying presents, decoration materials, food and clothing.

A huge clean-up gets underway days before the New Year, when Chinese houses are cleaned from top to bottom, to sweep away any traces of bad luck, and doors and windowpanes are given a new coat of paint, usually red. The doors and windows are then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on them.

The eve of the New Year is perhaps the most exciting part of the event, as anticipation creeps in. Here, traditions and rituals are very carefully observed in everything from food to clothing.

Dinner is usually a feast of seafood and dumplings, signifying different good wishes. Delicacies include prawns, for liveliness and happiness, dried oysters (or ho xi), for all things good, raw fish salad or yu sheng to bring good luck and prosperity, Fai-hai (Angel Hair), an edible hair-like seaweed to bring prosperity, and dumplings boiled in water (Jiaozi) signifying a long-lost good wish for a family.

It's usual to wear something red as this colour is meant to ward off evil spirits - but black and white are out, as these are associated with mourning. After dinner, the family sit up for the night playing cards, board games or watching TV programmes dedicated to the occasion. At midnight, the sky is lit up by fireworks.

On the day itself, an ancient custom called Hong Bao, meaning Red Packet, takes place. This involves married couples giving children and unmarried adults money in red envelopes. Then the family begins to say greetings from door to door, first to their relatives and then their neighbours. Like the Western saying "let bygones be bygones," at Chinese New Year, grudges are very easily cast aside.

The end of the New Year is marked by the Festival of Lanterns, which is a celebration with singing, dancing and lantern shows.

Although celebrations of the Chinese New Year vary, the underlying message is one of peace and happiness for family members and friends.





晚餐,通常都是饺子和海鲜酒席。象征着不同的美好祝愿,微妙的东西包括有虾来祝愿幸福快乐,干贝祝愿完事顺利,生鱼来祝愿好运和繁荣。Fai-hai 一种像头发般的可食用海藻带来繁荣的祝愿,水饺意味着对家庭的美好祝愿。





清华少儿英语 歌词

apple song

Apple round, Apple red.Apple juicy, Apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.

Angels Watching Over Me

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me,my lord.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me.

Sun is a—setting in the west,

Angels watching over me,my lord

Sleep my child, take your rest,

Angels watching over me.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me,my lord.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me,my lord.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me.

Sun is a—setting in the west,

Angels watching over me,my lord

Sleep my child, take your rest,

Angels watching over me.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me,my lord.

All night, all day,

Angels watching over me.

Baby Bye

Baby bye,there is a fly,We will watch him you and I。There he goes, on his tose,Right up to your nose, nose, nose.

Donkey Donkey I Beg You

Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw

I shall feed you.

I shall feed you.

Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw.

Heehaw, heehaw, heehaw, heehaw.

Why you sing so loud?

I shall feed you. I shall feed you.

Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw.

Hello Song

Hello. Hello. How are you?

I’m fine. Thank you.

Hello. Good moring. How are you?

I’m fine Thank you.

Are you ready to have fun?

Yes, we are !

Are you ready to sing?

Yes, we are !

Are you ready for English?

Then, come on!Let’s begin!

Hello. Hello. How are you?

I’m fine. Thank you.

Hello,Good afternoon. How are you?

I’m fine,too.Thank you.

Who Stole the cookies from the cookie Jar

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Who me?


Not me!

Then who?

Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Who me? Yes,you!

Not me!

Then who?

Sally stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Who me? Yes,you!

Not me!

Then who?

Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Who me?


Not me!

Then who?

Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Who me? Yes,you!

Not me!

Then who?

Sally stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Who me? Yes,you!

Not me!

Then who?

Five Little Monkeys

Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said.

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Four Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said.

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Three Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said.

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Two Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.

One fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said.

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

One Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.

He fell off and bumped his head.

Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said.

"No more monkeys jumping on the bed."

Ten Fat Sausages

Ten fat sausages sitting in the pan,

One went pop,

and another went bam!

Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,

One went pop,

and another went bam!

Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,

One went pop,

and another went bam!

Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,

One went pop,

and another went bam!

Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,

One went pop,

and another went bam!

No more sausages sitting in the pan.


Red, yellow and blue

Red, yellow and blue

Lovely colours for you

Red, yellow and blue

Pink, orange and green

Pink, orange and green

Let's paint a lovely scene

With pink, orange and green

I’m a little Teapot

I’m a little teapot, short and stout.

Here is my handle, here is my spout.

When I get all steamed up, I just shout.

Tip me over, and pour me out!

Im a very special pot, it’s true.

Heres an example of what I can do.

I can turn my handle into a spout.

Tip me over , and pour me out.

Twinkle twinkle little star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!


1. Follow Me

2.Oh,Mr. Sun!

3.If You are Happy


5.Hush Little Baby


7.Mad, Sad, Glad


9.Everybody Jump

10.Five Little Monkeys

11.six little ducks

12.I Like Dog

13.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

14.One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

15. One Finger One Thumb

16.I am a boy


18.I Love the Mountains

19.I Am a Little Snowman

20.Twinkle twinkle little ..

21.Hickory Dickory dock

22.I’m a little Teapot

23. Number song

24.Days of the Month


26.Blue Bus Blues

27.Hands Chant

28.Whose Puppy Is This

29.Ten Fat Sausages

30.Five Little Monkeys

31.Who Stole the cookies from the..

32.Hello Song

33.Donkey Donkey I Beg You

34.Baby Bye

35.Angels Watching Over Me

36.Apple Song



幼儿园英文儿歌教案 篇1

歌曲: 《Moo,moo!》







一、Warm up(热身活动)

1、教师与幼儿热情问好。(Good morning)




1、师;还记得上节课,我们学习的几个动物单词吗?Look at me,我手中就拿好咯,等下,老师会像魔术师一样,从我的背后,把卡片变出来给小朋友看,小朋友看到了是什么小动物,就要用好听又大声的声音说出这个动物的英文名字,明白吗?


Dog dog dog ,woof woof woof.

Cow cow cow,moo moo moo.

Pig pig pig ,oink oink oink.





3、师:好听吗?想不想学呀,让我们一起为小动物唱一首歌吧,这首歌曲的名字叫《moo ,moo》。嗯,是用牛的声音来取名字的噢。歌曲的名字叫什么呀?






幼儿园英文儿歌教案 篇2

歌曲: 《Good morning to you》











T:Goodmorning boys and girls .

C:Goodmorning miss su

T:Nice to meet you!

C:Nice to meet you too!

T:How are you

C:Fine thank you!

Step2:Warm up

T:Let me sing english songs animals .one.tow go



1、引导复习Good morning 、Good afternoon 、Goodnight "单词和句型。

2、教师选一幼儿手举morning 单词卡片站在台上,教师蹲在下面做水饺状,突然铃鼓响起,教师醒来说“Good morning to you "并带领幼儿一起说:“Good morning to you 。"教师先站起来再走到,迎着太阳说:“With sunshing faces "开心点头说:“With this nod way to start a new day ."

Step3:学习Good morning to you 歌曲。











Step4:Ending the class.

T:Ok ,are you happy today?

C:Yes ,happy .

T:OK .Class is cover ,Say ,bye _bye to me.

C:Bye _bye .



幼儿园英文儿歌教案 篇3

歌曲: To Market(去市场)


1、通过游戏理解“To market”歌曲内容,学唱歌曲。


准备: 转盘1个、纸折大小猪若干、市场情景、钱币和各种蔬菜,歌曲图片(教师用一套,幼儿操作用6套,插片袋5~6条)


一、 歌曲:To Market,音乐导入

T:Boys and girls, today we will go to a very interesting place. Look, what do you see? (show the market situation)

C: Market.

T: Yes, here is a market. We will go to the market. To market, to market. Whats in the market?

C: Carrot/ cabbage/ mushroom/ orange/ watermelon/ banana/Pigs.

T: Good, there are many pigs in the market. Whats the difference?(拿起两只猪示意)

C: Big pigs. Small pigs.

T: Good, to market, to market, to buy a big pig. (2 times)

二、 游戏:spinner game——转盘买猪

T: Do you want the big pigs or the small pigs? Lets play a spinner game. The turnplate has two sides. One side is a big pig. The other side is small pig. I will spin this turnplate and use the plate to cover it. Then you can make a choice to guess which pig will be on the upside.


(盖好后问)Now big pig or small pig? The big pig? Are you sure?

(揭晓答案)Yes,its a big/small pig.

The big pigs/small pigs are the winner! Yeah, yeah, yeah!


This time, the children who choose big pigs please stand in this area! Who choose small pigs please stand in this area! ( 边说边指明位置) This time, the winner will get the money to buy pigs. (出示钱币)

① Boys, please stand up. I want to invite you to play first.

② Girls, please come to the center.

③ All the boys and girls, lets play the game together.

三、游戏:Match game——句式排列

1、Song listening(once)

Today, I brought a very nice song “To Market”. Lets listen to it. We can sing together with it. (在座位上进行动作示范)

2、Picture explaining

I have four pictures here. What do you see on the picture?

A Boy/ Market/What did he buy? Big pig/Where did he go? Home/ How is he looking? He is happy.

These fours cards tells the story, but their order is not correct.

3、Match Game

Now we will play a match game. On the tables behind your chair , there are six series of cards. Four children will be one group to play this game. Now, lets listen to the song again and after listening, please put these cards into right order. You should decide which one is the first one, …The star here means you should put the first here. Please place these cards from the star to the end.

Four children will play the game on the blackboard. ( 选四个小朋友)

① Now other boys and girls, please choose a group you like.

② 边听音乐,幼儿操作,教师巡回指导,用英语对幼儿做一些提示。

③ 将幼儿插好的图片贴在黑板上

Now,lets have a look at the work on the blackboard.


The order is correct or not? Yes or no? Are you the same with them?


Does everyone has the money? Please take your money. Lets go to the market to buy pigs. 集体边唱边做动作,边唱边围着椅子走一圈。


T(老师扮演卖猪者):Can I help you? C: Big pig, please.

Do you have a big pig now? Are you happy? Lets go home!

幼儿园英文儿歌教案 篇4


One, Two, How Do You Do?

One, two, how do you do?

Three, four, open the door.

Five, six, sit up stright.

Nine, ten, say it again.


1. 学会念儿歌 One, Two, How Do You Do?

2. 掌握问候语A. How do you do?

B. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten十个数字名称.

C. 掌握动词短语3个: open the door, sit up stright, say it again.


1. 数字吸铁石玩具(1-10)

2. 大图片一张.


1、与小朋友打招呼问候,引入新的问候语: How do you do?









推荐听洪恩系列,洪恩巴迪英文童谣.音乐轻快,动感,美籍教师真人唱,接近生活.已经向很多家长推荐了此系列的英文儿歌,反响很好.可以根据孩子 英语接受能力循序渐进的学习.(很多是幼儿园英文歌所唱) 。另还有一个紫水晶篇没有找到相应曲目。如果是学习英语儿歌,从易到难分层,画面形象生动,可以跟着动画人物手舞足蹈模仿跳舞。---不过这一套比较贵(一百八左右),一张碟配一本书,如果可以在网上下载更好:)


1、ABCD 字母歌

2、Happy Birthday 生日快乐

3、Hello 你好

4、Table Number 桌子号码

5、Tell Me 告诉我

6、I'm a Boy 我是个男孩

7、What's Your Name? 你叫什么名字?

8、We Wish You a Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐

9、Row Your Boat 划小船

10、Ten Little Indians 十个印第安小男孩


1、Polly, Put The Kettle On 波莉,把水壶放在炉子上

2、The More We Get Together 大家在一起

3、For He's A Jolly Good Fellow 他是一个快乐的好小伙

4、Sweetly Sings The Donkey 小驴欢乐地歌唱

5、Starlight, Starbright 星光,灿烂

6、Good Night To You All 祝大家晚安

7、Oh, How Lovely Is The Evening 夜晚多美好

8、Rock-a-bye, Baby 宝宝的摇篮

9、Sleep, Baby, Sleep 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧

10、 Hush, Little Baby 安静宝贝


1、The Farmer In The Dell 山谷里的农夫

2、Bingo 宾果

3、The Clock 时钟

4、Goodbye Little Fish 再见,小鱼

5、Teddy Bear 玩具熊

6、Are You Sleeping? 还要睡吗?

7、Sally 萨丽

8、I Can Hear The Bell 我能听到钟声

9、Come OnAnd Join Into The Game 来参加游戏吧

10、Greetings 问候


1、 Billy Boy 少年比利

2、Old MacDonald 老麦克唐纳

3、I'm a Little Teapot 我是小茶壶

4、Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 闪亮,闪亮的小星星

5、The Ants Go Marching 蚂蚁行军

6、One Bottle O'Pop 一瓶汽水

7、London Bridge 伦敦桥

8、The Happy Song 幸福歌

9、Mary Had A Little Lamb 玛丽有只小羊羔

10、Jingle Bells 铃儿响叮当

您还可以搜索:greetings 儿歌,greetings歌曲儿歌歌词,greetings英语歌曲儿歌,greetings儿歌翻译中文,英语歌曲儿歌《greetings》,greetings英语歌,greeting英文歌,the greeting song儿歌,英文歌曲greetings,greetings儿歌歌词④

