reference是什么意思reference的音标reference的用法 英语词典

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reference是什么意思reference的音标reference的用法  英语词典


过去式:referenced;   过去分词:referenced;   现在分词:referencing;   复数形式:references;

reference 基本解释


名词参考; 参考书; 提及,涉及; 证明人,介绍人

动词引用; 参照

reference 相关词组

1. without reference to : 不论, 与...无关;


reference 相关例句


1. The boss didn't make any reference to his former employer.


2. References are given in full at the end of this article.


3. When I was looking for a job, I asked my head teacher to give me a reference.


4. That is a matter outside the reference.


reference 情景对话


B:Can I check this (book/ encyclopedia/ audiotape) out?



A:I’m sorry. It’s for reference only.


Borrow books-(借书)

A:Can I help you?


B:Yes, I’m doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject?


A:These books over here are about ancient history. They might be helpful.


B:Can I check this one out?



A:I’m sorry. It’s for reference only, so it must stay in the library. But you’re welcome to look through it.


B:Ok. And I’d like to check these books out.


A:All right. They’re due back next Wednesday.



B:Thanks for your help.


reference 网络解释

1. 编号:2.4.1 属性参数(Property)的概念和编辑修改方法4.2.1 元器件编号(Reference)的格式4.6.2 设计规则检验(DRC)的步骤5.4 电源(Power)引线和接地(Ground)引线6.1.4 电路图(Page)环境设置的修改方法9.1.1 元器件管理器(Part Manager)

2. 基准:Sun Microsystems提供了应用程序生成器的基准(reference)工具(称之为BeanBox),它用于测试bean. 它允许你可视化的建立包括bean的表单、设置它们的属性并用事件把它们联系起来. 为了利用BeanBox,这个bean必须在一个jar文件中实现,

3. reference:ref; 引用,参考

reference 双语例句

1. From making the first cut to applying the finish, this comprehensive reference details every aspect of woodcarving.


2. The ratio of mixing is different at various temperatures; the reference ratio is listing below.


3. reference

3. At the end of this book, there is an easy to use reference listing all of the programs, libraries, and important files that have been installed.


4. Acquire current World Radio and TV Handbook or other reference listing of radio frequencies.


5. reference在线翻译

5. Only the most significant ones will be covered here; consult the Library Reference for a complete listing.

这里只显示了最重要的几个,如果要看完整的列表请查阅 Library Refference。

6. In an e-mail program, a reference section listing e-mail addresses and individuals'names.

地址簿,通讯簿 1,电子邮件程序中,列出电子邮件地址和个人姓名的索引部分。

7. the transverse process segment of vertebral artery shows a left side predomiance. the results have important reference value for the excision of vertebral artery.


8. reference的意思

8. This paper generally describes the lab research of choice waterplug of grovel packed well of wrapping wire screen in Chengbei Oil Field, and puts forth several research points for reference in waterplug test of Chengbei Oil Field on the basis of summary of B3 well site waterplug test.


9. reference

9. Commencing from the aerial protection enterprise practicality of Guangdong province, taking reference of the fruits of human resource management research, and through the analysis the current situation of aerial protection enterprise, this article has proposed some ideas and opinions about such human resource develop policies as how to attract talents and the training of talents, and tried to make the discuss practical in use.



10. The design and research of the paper has certain reference value to shell-and-tube heat exchanger especially U-tube heat exchanger engineering design.


11. Analysing the key factors of student ecotourism and correlativity, as a reference for ecotourism dealer, to make a progress in ecotourism industry.


12. reference在线翻译

12. These are my many years of experience in laundry, for your reference, help you to be able to wash quickly and material saving in net again!


13. Also the influences of regeneration temperature, process heat effect, catalytic internal recycling and regenerator configuration were emphatically discussed via coke-burning calculation, supplying a reference to design and practical operation.


14. This paper can provide a reference and basis for space geodetic techniques especially to the research of the laser ranging.


15. reference是什么意思

15. The book is invaluable reference material for foreign scholars researching the political system of China.


16. In order to read foreign reference material, he has learnt four foreign languages.


17. Therefore, the author improve the construction of SEA by reference various countries` good and bad points; Moreover, Taiwan SEA uses the matrix form in the regulations, hence we suggest 「Budget Act」and 「Regulations for Preparing Central Government Medium-Term Planning Budget」not only analyze the cost benefit of project but also analyze the environment cost analysis; SEA integrate with cost-benefit analysis again, using matrix form of SEA and cost-benefit analysis of budget mean to help policymaker making decision, improve present SEA system, and achieved sustainable development and Precautionary principle.


18. With no reference to its public, the BBC has cut its losses by axing the very programming that made it so excellent and unique – keeping instead the pop tart variety of television that can be found anywhere at any time.


19. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for scientific research and lung cancer operation by studying the staining condition on mediastinal lymph node with chlorophyllin disclosing solution.


20. Objective To review the research status of chewing tablets, and to provide the reference for further research.


reference 词典解释

1. 提及;谈到

Reference to someone or something is the act of talking about them or mentioning them. A reference is a particular example of this.


e.g. He made no reference to any agreement...


e.g. The crowd chanted 'No Poll Tax', a reference to the government's new local taxation system...


2. 咨询;征询;参考;查阅

Reference is the act of consulting someone or something in order to get information or advice.

e.g. This might be done without reference to Parliament...


e.g. Please keep this sheet in a safe place for reference.


3. (书)供参考的

Reference books are ones that you look at when you need specific information or facts about a subject.

e.g. There are several reference books which have been compiled to help you make your choice.


e.g. ...a useful reference work for teachers.


4. 引语;引用的观点;引证

A reference is a word, phrase, or idea which comes from something such as a book, poem, or play and which you use when making a point about something.

e.g. ...a reference from the Quran.


e.g. ...historical references.


5. (方便查询的)编号,标记,索引

A reference is something such as a number or a name that tells you where you can obtain the information you want.


e.g. ...a map reference...


e.g. Make a note of the reference number shown on the form.


6. 介绍信;推荐信

A reference is a letter that is written by someone who knows you and which describes your character and abilities. When you apply for a job, an employer might ask for references .

e.g. The firm offered to give her a reference.


7. (求职等时的)推荐人,介绍人,证明人

A reference is a person who gives you a reference, for example when you are applying for a job.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 referee

8. 引用,参照(某书或某作者)

If you reference a particular book or writer, you make a precise reference to them in what you are saying or writing.

e.g. It specifically referenced Hermann Noordung's classic 1928 book on this subject.


9. (保留信息)以备将来之用

If you keep information for future reference, you keep it because it might be useful in the future.

e.g. Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.


10. 关于…

You use with reference to or in reference to in order to indicate what something relates to.

e.g. I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists...


e.g. I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice.


11. see also: cross-reference;frame of reference;point of reference;terms of reference

reference 单语例句reference

1. One Foundation will act as a rival to or mark of reference for the charity foundations attached to government departments.

2. The system will help the municipal government map out an energy plan by providing statistics for reference.

3. This area is now called " Dalian's Pudong " by the locals - a reference to a similar district in Shanghai.

4. It is only published by a civilian organization for reference, while schools are not bound to use it.

5. State television said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei cited " some recent threats by arrogant powers ", a reference to the Islamic Republic's Western foes.

6. A 2002 peace initiative by the Arab League made only indirect reference to the refugees, giving some Israelis hope.

7. An enormous stimulus package launched by China late last year offers valuable reference for other countries.

8. The man said he paid 5 yuan and travelled 25 km by bus to another town simply to buy his grandson a reference book.

9. FDB's drug database will further support medical staff by enabling them to access detailed drug information electronically instead of consulting reference books.

10. The second line Indicates the percentage occupied by those whose scores are lower than the corresponding scores in the standard HSK reference group.

referencereference 英英释义


1. the act of referring or consulting

e.g. reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer

Synonym: consultation

2. the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression

the class of objects that an expression refers to

e.g. the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos

Synonym: denotationextension

3. the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to

e.g. he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes

4. (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored

Synonym: addresscomputer address

5. a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts

e.g. he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic

Synonym: reference bookreference workbook of facts

6. a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability

e.g. requests for character references are all too often answered evasively

Synonym: charactercharacter reference

7. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

e.g. the student's essay failed to list several important citations

the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book

the article includes mention of similar clinical cases

Synonym: citationciteacknowledgmentcreditmentionquotation

8. a remark that calls attention to something or someone

e.g. she made frequent mention of her promotion

there was no mention of it

the speaker made several references to his wife

Synonym: mention

9. an indicator that orients you generally

e.g. it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved

Synonym: reference pointpoint of reference

10. a publication (or a passage from a publication) that is referred to

e.g. he carried an armful of references back to his desk

he spent hours looking for the source of that quotation

Synonym: source



1. refer to

e.g. he referenced his colleagues' work

Synonym: cite

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