sour是什么意思sour的音标sour的用法 英语词典

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sour是什么意思sour的音标sour的用法  英语词典


过去式:soured;   过去分词:soured;   现在分词:souring;

sour 基本解释


形容词有酸味的; 敌对的; 坏脾气的; 别扭的

不及物动词变酸,变馊; 发酵; 厌烦; 败坏

及物动词变坏,恶化; 使变酸; 使失望; 使不毛

名词酸味; 苦事

sour 同义词




sour 反义词



sour 相关词组

1. be sour on : 嫌恶..., 讨厌...;

2. go sour : 变酸;

3. in sour : 出事;


sour 相关例句


1. The soup has gone sour.



2. We had a sour winter.


3. The milk has turned sour .



1. If you leave milk in the sun, it goes sour quickly.



1. Various adversity has soured her view of life.


sour 网络解释

1. sour的意思

1. 苏尔:泰尔(Tyre)又称苏尔(Sour),由腓尼基人建成于公元前三千年,历史上也是一处重要的商港,与西西里和北非的贸易频繁,它曾以从贝壳中提取出的紫色染料而闻名于世,不幸这种提取方法已经失传.

2. [发酸]:此处的酸辛与苦味、发酸(Sour)不同,与酸碱值也无关,它是指促使咖啡发挥提振心神、涤清味觉等功能的一种清新、活泼的特质. 咖啡的酸度不是酸碱度中的酸性或酸臭味,也不是进入胃里让人不舒服的酸. 在冲调咖啡时,酸度的表现是很重要的,

3. sour

3. sour:specific oxygen uptake rate; 比耗氧率

4. sour什么意思

4. sour:specific oxygen uptake rater; 比氧呼吸速率

sour 双语例句

1. I've always thought that parting is as sour as a lemon.


2. Confectioners like sour pickles, butchers like marzipan, and the baker prefers sausage to bread; bullfighters raise pigeons for a hobby, boxers turn pale when their children have nosebleeds: I find all this quite natural, for I never laugh off duty.


3. In the main, however, there is a sour grapes feel to this work, which is a shame, because Carroll is a talented writer.


4. Music that is sour often has notes that are two short or flat or too long and sharp.


5. Like to drink a cup of bitter tears Geye Cha I was sour me on the cheek lyrics reprinted from ※ Mojim. com Net Mirror...

就好像一杯隔夜茶我苦涩的喝下眼泪却酸了我的脸颊转载来自※ 魔镜歌词网。。。


6. The royal jelly is the secretion from the bee milk gland of young worker, which is a serum substance, with sour, astringent and piquancy tastes, and which is the food for queen bee and early little bee.


7. sour的反义词

7. A lemon Chicken, Ma Po beancurd, Fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce, tomato soup and two Chinese carrot pies, something else?


8. A lemon hicken, a Po beancurd, Fried shredded pork with Sweet and sour sauce, tomato soup and two hinese carrot pies, something else?


9. sour的解释

9. Application Flexibility- A selection of end connections, trim materials, and flow capacities allows the D3 to be used in a broad range of applications, including sour service.



10. This paper introduces a new type of selfdeveloped natural gas hydrate kinetic inhibitor GHI-1. The onsite application of GHI-1 in the wet gas transmission pipeline at a certain high sour gas field is introduced.


11. The electrochemical corrosion in the wind girder of insulated oil tank produced due to the accumulated sour rainwater.


12. The formation ways, pyrophorisity and its main influencing factors of iron sulfides in sour oil tanks are summarized by analyzing the main composition of active sulfur in sour oil tanks and its corrosion conduct to tanks.


13. The main products of the company are the Phosphorus Oxychloride, the phosphorus trichloride, the Chlorine sour sodium. and the recent new products are the trimethyl phosphate, the triethyl phosphate and Anhydrous ethanol.


14. If you like sour pears can be cut into pieces on the thermos bottle Riga hot soak, two hours later you can descaling, another poached pears to eat ice.


15. On Tuesday, I went outingfrom morning toevening, an'returned home with sour waist and back.


16. By and large, stench odor usually indicates heat syndromes of excess; stinking odor suggests cold syndromes of deficiency; and foul and sour odor implies retention of food.


17. sour

17. Autumn is the season of orange that one of the orange, small and grow, if you stand in front of a few orange trees suck the smell here, they will feel that a fresh-smelling from the Unit, if you approaching some of these oranges will make your mouth watering, and now you can not help but pick the one down, gently break apart and oranges, the sweet and sour at this time it will be exposed to the flesh, then flesh it!


18. In the long run, that sour bestchance of turning around the quality of education in this state.


19. sour的解释

19. For example: roast Piglet, Spareribs with sweet and sour sauce, Fried sliced port and green chilli, braised turtle in clear soup.


20. Taring down at the bloody wreckage, Simon felt his insides heave; he fell to his knees retching, bringing up nothing but a sour strand of spittle.


sour 词典解释

1. 酸的;酸味的

Something that is sour has a sharp, unpleasant taste like the taste of a lemon.

e.g. The stewed apple was sour even with honey.


2. (牛奶)变质的,馊的

Sour milk is milk that has an unpleasant taste because it is no longer fresh.

3. (人)乖戾的,尖酸刻薄的,不友好的

Someone who is sour is bad-tempered and unfriendly.

e.g. She made a sour face in his direction...


e.g. Police, weary and increasingly sour in mood, wonder aloud why the situation has been allowed to deteriorate.



'Leave my mother out of it,' he said sourly.


4. (状况、关系等)变坏,变糟,不再令人满意

If a situation or relationship turns sour or goes sour, it stops being enjoyable or satisfactory.

e.g. Everything turned sour for me there...


e.g. Even the European dream is beginning to turn sour...


5. (使)(友谊、局势、态度等)变坏;(使)恶化

If a friendship, situation, or attitude sours or if something sours it, it becomes less friendly, enjoyable, or hopeful.

e.g. If anything sours the relationship, it is likely to be real differences in their world-views...


e.g. Her mood soured a little.


6. 酸葡萄(喻指由于得不到而加以贬低的东西)

If you refer to someone's attitude as sour grapes, you mean that they say that something is worthless or undesirable because they want it themselves but cannot have it.

e.g. Page's response to the suggestion that this might be sour grapes because his company lost the bid is: 'Life's too short for that.'


sour 单语例句sour什么意思

1. For starters, financial failure is not the only cause of international business marriages turning sour.

2. Some married couples are overwhelmed by the crowds of " robbers " at their offices and are concerned that the lucky money tradition is turning sour.

3. Chewing the sweet and sour candied haws, we went outdoors for the performance.

4. I also like a unique sweet and sour dessert, which can only be had in Qianjiang - canned mandarin oranges steamed with eggs.

5. Acar Acar is an interesting salad with chunks of cucumber, carrot and shallots marinated in a sweet and sour mix of sugar and vinegar.

6. A little drop of sour cream in the heart of the rose will help display the caviar.

7. China will boost sour natural gas exploration to ease the country's tight energy supply, said an official at China Petroleum and Chemical Corp on Monday.

8. The hotel will also serve other famous desserts including raspberry mousse, sour cherry strudel and pears cooked in orange juice.

9. Chevron and the CNPC plan to build two sour gas plants with a throughput capacity of 740 million cubic feet of natural gas per day.

10. The 2008 tasted of sour cherries and had soft tannins that were also quite chewy, with medium length.


