squirt是什么意思squirt的音标squirt的用法 英语词典 squirt

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squirt是什么意思squirt的音标squirt的用法  英语词典 squirt


过去式:squirted;   过去分词:squirted;   现在分词:squirting;   复数形式:squirts;

squirt 基本解释


及物动词注射; 喷射,喷湿


名词喷,细的喷流; 注射器; 傲慢无礼的年轻人; 喷气式飞机


squirt 相关例句



1. The water squirted all over me.



1. Water squirted out of a hole in the pipe.



1. Give it a quick squirt.


squirt 网络解释

1. 喷出,溅出:multiply: 繁殖 | squirt: 喷出,溅出 | silicon crystal: 硅晶体

2. 喷射器:squirt toy 喷水玩具 | squirt 喷射器 | Sr-Ca ferric oxide magnetic steel 锶钙铁氧体磁钢

3. squirt

3. 喷出:squirt gun 水枪 | squirt 喷出 | squish 咯吱声

4. 水针:squirt 水针 | squirt cut 水针 | squirt trim 水针冲边

squirt 双语例句


1. An illustration of the world under the sea serves as the background for one of the souvenir sheets, and a photo of an underwater landscape serves as the background for the other. The stamps feature Nemo (a clownfish and star of the film), Tad (a long-nosed butterflyfish), Sheldon, Squirt, Peach, Bubbles, a school of sea turtles, Dory, and Pearl. These small squares of stamps spread joy and happiness with the colorful undersea world they capture. The set is well worth collecting and treasuring.


2. squirt是什么意思

2. Finally, the effects of pore fluid on rock seismic properties were discussed through the important rock physics models: Gassmann equation, Boit's theory, local flow or squirt model and patchy model.


3. It shows that non-Newtonian effect and the squirt-flow effect are the important factors for elastic wave dispersion and attenuation.


4. They work great, but of course someone had to be around to squirt the cat in the eye at precisely the moment he bagan shredding, which someone rarely was(but I have to admit squiring the cat was very satisfying).


5. Orthodox Jews have a fearsome backup plan anyway: toy squirt guns filled with liquid pig lard they can spray on terrorists


6. Among lizards, only the Mexican beaded lizard and the gila monster possess poisonous venom, but they do not squirt it, and their venom is not lethal on contact.


7. squirt的意思

7. When I'm relaxed, I squirt.


8. I've got to squirt!


9. And as soon as one did, I felt loads of blood squirt out the back of my skull.


10. You're a brave little squirt, I'll give you that.


11. Not wanting to seem unhygienic, I took a squirt.


12. squirt

12. Boom! I see the white smoke squirt out of the ferryboat's side.


13. Bubble or salt bath - Fill that bath tub all the way up with some HOT water, squirt in some nice-smelling bubble bath and bury yourself.


14. squirt的翻译

14. I used to stand there, leaning against a pillar, with a cigarette in the corner of my mouth and my hat down over my eyes, and when they got within hailing distance I would let squirt a good gob and up with the hat.


15. I do this mostly with a squirt gun.


16. squirt在线翻译

16. Don't squirt me with your squirt gun!


17. squirt是什么意思

17. He got an eyeful of water from the squirt gun.


18. Barry: We shouldn't get him a squirt gun. I know he would run around the house squirting everyone with it.



19. Adding a squirt of oil to a bicycle makes it pedal more easily, but that doesn`t mean that dumping a gallon of oil on it will make it pedal itself.


20. squirt的解释

20. With the help of H20, that is water to you and mr, Master peez the practical jokes clay toy can squirt water up to 3 feet.

借助h20 ,这是水给你的先生,硕士peez实际笑话粘土玩具可以喷射水高达3英尺。

squirt 词典解释

1. (使)(液体)喷射

If you squirt a liquid somewhere or if it squirts somewhere, the liquid comes out of a narrow opening in a thin fast stream.

e.g. Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it...


e.g. The water squirted from its throat...


2. 朝…喷…

If you squirt something with a liquid, you squirt the liquid at it.

e.g. I squirted him with water...


e.g. Its linings were simply squirted with oil.


squirt 单语例句squirt什么意思

1. Police used squirt guns to dilute the smoke, while sealing the chloride tanker in water mixed with caustic soda.

2. A twin on the left side is operating fine, but the astronauts will squirt on some extra grease as a precaution.

3. An espresso with a squirt of lemon juice is considered the perfect compromise.

4. Those using whitening kits are generally advised to squirt a line of cream into a mould.

5. Could a pill or a squirt up your nose save your marriage?

6. " Just a little squirt of lemon and some good wine and there you are, " she said.

7. I imagine that it looks better than the miserable squirt men issue.

8. The yummy blueberry cheesecake was creamy and laced with a subtle blueberry sauce, though could do without that extra squirt of lemon juice.

9. But to my surprise - and confusion - he began to squirt a clear liquid mixture from a small squeeze bottle onto my scalp.

squirt的近义词squirt 英英释义


1. the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

Synonym: jetspurtspirt

2. someone who is small and insignificant

Synonym: pip-squeaksmall fry


1. wet with a spurt of liquid

e.g. spurt the wall with water

2. cause to come out in a squirt

e.g. the boy squirted water at his little sister

Synonym: force outsqueeze outeject

