服装店的英文(服装店用英语怎么写) 服装店的英语是什么

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服装店的英文(服装店用英语怎么写) 服装店的英语是什么



clothes : 普通用词,多指包括上衣、内衣或裤子等具体的一件件衣服。She usually wears art/casual clothes.
她通常穿着很入时/随意。I'm just putting my clothes on.
我正打算把衣服穿上。Take your clothes off and get in the bath.
脱下衣服进浴缸。designer clothes
名牌服装a clothes shop
服装店clothing : 常用词,集合名词,是衣服的总称。You can only take three articles/items of clothing into the changing room.
你只能带3件衣服进试衣间。Protective clothing must be worn.
必须穿上防护服。coat : 指上衣、外衣、大衣、外套及女式上装。Do your coat up, Joe, or you'll freeze.
扣好外套,乔,不然你会冻坏的。We need a coat hook on the back of this door.
我们需要在这扇门后安个衣钩。dress : 多指正式场合或为某些特定用途而穿的服装,也指童装或女性穿的连衣裙。The king, in full ceremonial dress, presided over the ceremony.
女王身着礼服盛装主持仪式。a long/short dress
长/短裙a wedding dress
婚纱garment : 语气庄重,正式用词,复数形式可与clothes换用,指身上全部穿着。单数形式指单件衣服,尤指长袍、外套等外面的衣服。a strange shapeless garment that had once been a jacket
用夹克衫改成的不成形的一件衣服woollen/winter/outer garments
毛衣;冬装;外衣robe : 指长袍,也指浴衣、晨衣。He wrapped a robe around himself before answering the door.
他裹了件浴衣过来开门。Judges wear black robes when they are in court.
法官在法庭上都身穿黑袍。gown : 指女人穿的长服,尤指教士、法官、教授等的礼服或妇女的睡衣等,也指长袍。a ball gown
舞会礼服a hospital gown
病号服a graduation gown
毕业礼服a surgeon's gown
外科医生穿的罩衣uniform : 指某团体或组织统一做的制服,如军服、校服等。military/school uniform
军装/校服a nurse's uniform
护士服I love a man in uniform!
我喜欢穿制服的男人!costume : 指流行某一地区或某一时代的服装,也指演员的戏装。Singers performing Mozart's operas often dress in/wear historical costume.
歌手们经常穿古装出演莫扎特的歌剧。The dancers leading the procession were in colourful and elaborate costumes.
走在队伍前头的舞蹈演员身着色彩绚丽、制作考究的服装。 The shop has a good selection of bikinis and bathing/swimming costumes.
该店有很多漂亮的比基尼和其他泳装可供选购。suit : 指一套服装,一般有几件配成一套的套装。All the businesen were wearing pinstripe suits.
所有的商人都穿着细条纹的套装。She wore a dark blue suit.

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